
I woke up with the thought of angels on my mind and contemplated on how wonderful it is to embrace a childlike approach to concepts and ideas that have yet to be explained through science.

Being a parent of a teenager can be sometimes challenging especially when it comes to topics of spirituality. One thing I realized as my son became more and more exposed to the outside world and influences from peers and teachers… that providing him with a strong loving foundation was like giving a warrior strong armor.

My son asked me about God, – the one question: Is there God? Apparently there was a brief discussion in his theology class which plunged him into deep thought but I was impressed with his rebound as he stated that science has yet to disprove that there is no God … so – then God Is.

I may impose discipline and order in my parenting. Religion is a touchy topic to me… personally, I would rather have my actions to reveal my character and not be judged by my religion.

Love is my religion, when we have love in our hearts we can forgive and transcend. (1 Corinthians 13:13) Breaking down the layers of our religious beliefs can be scary. Questioning things can be scary, it may shatter paradigms. I enjoy sharing a carefree style approach to life and impress on my son that even though we are under the same roof we can have different beliefs, with that being said, I told him: I choose to believe in God and in Angels. My foundation is built on my personal Faith, my personal desire, and my personal experience with God because of my Faith in Him.

I can not imagine a world without God, and Angels to guide and protect me.
(ERA – angels)

It’s important that we as adults question our own beliefs and it is equally important to embrace our changing beliefs as we evolve in our spirituality.

Daisy Says: The way you Live and Love can help create Heaven on Earth.

One thought on “Angels

  1. “We are each of us angels with only one wing, and we can only fly by embracing one another.” (Luciano de Crescenzo)

    Post Script:

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