As I look back at how little I have shared on my blog this year… I can’t help but think how fast this year has gone, or perhaps I’ve placed value in being in the moment and not rushing to share it with the world.
Even though at times I even question why do I even care to blog about anything and who cares?!

Yet, here I am. I am almost curious as if this is a passive addiction and requires no purpose or rhyme; and with that intro I look back at 2024.
Perhaps the greatest thing to have behind me is a litigation that George was going through on account of an incident that happened during an adjourned recess at a city hall meeting back in 2022 when an outgoing commissioner arrogantly assumed that George was standing to shake his hand; unfortunately for the presumptous guy… George perceived the sudden approach as a personal assault and an invasion of space, mostly because earlier that same day the out-going commissioner gave George cause to presume such a thing.
Earlier that day the commissioner (who also happen to be the representive of our zone) drove by our house earlier the day of the meeting -which by the way was the same day we were dealing with day three of power outage due to hurricane Ian that came through our city impacting many homeowners – including us; most other residents were going on with their daily lives and had there electric restored. Also, unfortunately it is my opinion, that the new chief of police lacked skills in both police investigation and community relations… whose actions ensuing the incident created a mountain out of a mole hill. You might ask what qualifies me to make such a comment… my credentials are solid since I was a deputy sheriff for one of the largest counties in Florida and moved in the ranks from patrol officer to working as a Community Resource Officer for the Chief of Police… so I know a duck walking when I see one.
It took the love of the Divine Energy and the prayers of my loving mother along with the great attorney Don Dempsey to show the judge what a circus the case was. The judge found no case in the matter… the result being two-fold; the first one being that the judge justified George’s action on the basis of ‘stand your ground’. and at the same time being a blessing which helped reveal the true character of many folks in our community and the inept police department as well. Sad to say, since I do have a high regard for the dedication of law enforcement.
As always… I believe in standing firm with that Divine Energy that begs us to be patient because… the
“truth will set you free”.
Sometimes I catch myself asking why is it that we all can’t just get past our egos? Some egos are so big that make some think they are above everyone and other egos are so big (yes, same thing) and see themselves as perpetual victims to circumstances. And so has been much of my contemplation this past year… but I catch myself and remember to enjoy the simple life because it does appear part of my design.

Double rainbows, full moon halos and sunflowers that randomly grow from the seeds that fall from the bird feeder are plenty evidence for me to sit and marvel that the simple life is much grandeur than we give it credit.

I truly love celebrating the happiness that overflows in my family, this year my youngest niece Chantelle turned 16 and for her birthday she wanted as a gift was for the family to visit Spain… I was so delighted that my younger brother Frankie could make it happen for her and give the family a wonderful cultural gift courtesy of Chantelle.

I read recently … and it’s not the first time, but it sure is becoming more popular with the meta sciences the discussion that the world we experience outside of us is nothing more than a reflection of an internal projection of our inner selves.
It seems like a random thing to express at this moment, yet, in context to seeing the happiness of my brother both with his loving family and financial stability does bring me so much joy and if truly that is a reflection of an inner part of me, then it only stands to confirm that within me there are parts that appear to be healed and whole… and that brings me joy and peace.
Who would have thought that someone else’s happiness could bring another person happiness… I say, you got to live it to understand.

We’ve been caretakers of our Lake Helen homestead for over 15 years… how we ended up in this town of which I served 2 terms as mayor has it’s own mystery.
Yet the journey of life has so many twists and bends the likes of which one can only live to tell.

And tell we must. Each life lived is a chapter in some magnificent adventure. Each one with its ups and downs. Each with its unique plot line and somehow each life weaves into the life of other people making for an amazing story.

Which leads into the next highlight of 2024… the majestic camphor that seemed to be an anchor at the front of the property began showing signs of aging. Spring came and only one of the leading trunks bloomed with fresh aromatic leaves. The other leading trunks waved their bare branches as if terrorizing the birds of the sky, which at night would cast a very ominous figure… the likes of trees described in horror movies.
The decision to take the tree down was not an easy one… and not for lack of money… considering the cost to take a tree down of that girth is on the high end; and the removal of the stump was quoted to cost double the cutting down of the tree. Come down it must, considering each year the tree posed a greater risk with Florida hurricanes.

We were told by the previous homeowners that the camphor tree could easily be over 150 years old… imagine that’s nearly 4 generations of stories. That would put it in the early 1900’s! Heck, we’re told that even Al Capone had a house here in Lake Helen!
Either way… discovering that the center of the tree had rotted made it so much easier living with the decision that the time had come… and we were grateful for having been the last family to enjoy both the lovely shade and the aromatic leaves.
Days after the tree had come down, I spent a lot of time in contemplation about life. Was this the end of the tree or does it go on? Surely there is a transformation process and where once a tree stood, now we had ashes. We saw the transformation of the wood where some went up as smoke scattering on the crest of the gentle winds and the rest remained as ash providing nutrient to the ground below.
Made me think, are we ever gone? Do we live in an enclosed system where forever we are transforming? What is the intelligence which shapes its trunk and leaves, and do trees have soul? Where does it go … this tree soul? Does this tree intelligence pass on its knowledge to where ever it travels… to the soil beneath as it exists as ash and in the wind above as it blends in smoke? And does part of this tree intelligence become one with me as I stand amidst the smoke? Alas, the cycle of life.
I’ve come to learn with age that life is such an individual thing. Deemed what we wish to deem it, create out of it what we wish to create… either way, the moment we show up on this plane of existence the clock starts ticking.
At some point should we become possessed with reason, it is up to us what we make of it, how we interact with each moment and if we choose to rise above the human experience and allow a possible greater Divine force work within ourselves. And Wisdom through life experiences has taught me that when we surrender to that mysterious energy – God, Universe, Love… then life can truly be one of wonder whether you be a carpenter, a parent, a doctor or an artist.

Another highlight of 2024 was being invited to celebrate my aunt Beatriz 80’th birthday. This woman has the most fiery, indomitable spirit

(mom and uncle Lucindo)
and contagious laughter. She walks into a room and lights it up instantly. We had a lovely time celebrating her, and enjoying her vibrant energy as well as reconnecting with family. I truly love the picture of my aunt surrounded with her 4 sons… they beaming with love and pride for their mother. And my mom (who turns 79 this year looked lovely and truly happy to be with her older sister and brother. Indeed, growing old gracefully is a beautiful thing.

How we ended up at my little brother Edwin’s house in July… I don’t know. But these pictures here capture the most adorable Independence July gathering I’ve had in ages with mom at the grill looking so adorable in her sun hat…the sky was picture perfect and the family gathering – memorable.

Unfortunately July 2024 will be remembered in political history as the year that marked an attempted assassination of former President Trump who was running for re-election.

To think… that could be you, or me? Perhaps having been in politics has given me different lenses from which to see how awful of an atrocity the incident truly was… whether it be a presidential candidate does not make it greater. Yet imagine – YOU, as a person, getting up in the morning standing for a cause, it does not matter what cause… or if it were it would not matter your party affiliation… and to think that in your heart you choose to do a task for your country that your heart urges you to do… and you don’t make it home to your spouse, your loving children, your parents… because one person decided that you should not exist???
I believe such act as unacceptable, and the day we make light of such matter… is the day we begin the dehumanization and fall from grace of the human race.
Needless to say... fast forward to November, the day of election there was a resounding mandate evidenced in the casting of the vote re-electing former President Trump back into office for a second term as the 47th President of the United States.
I would have been remiss in not mentioning such a collective highlight of that impactful headline news… plus President Trump did invite me to the White House when I was Mayor of Lake Helen… as he sought input from mayors across our fine nation. I was honored to attend on behalf of my city, our citizens and my county (as I was the only mayor in attendance from my county).

Now after such headline news… we resume the highlights of my simple life 2024, which included a visit from our friend Lee who had moved to Texas… and I think he secretly misses the Florida heat and lovely beaches.
We spent a day at the beach and the secret was out… for the most part he talked about how much he loves the ocean. We also drove him out to Mount Dora for Asian Bistro cuisine at Wave… the small town a treasure of Florida.

With the end of Summer and beginning of Autumn approaching… the sound of Florida Cranes and the call of Turkeys outside my window was definitely an amusing highlight for me… and a reminder how beautiful my life truly is.

Driving by our sons historical cottage here in town and the sweet memory of him sitting on the porch with his dad tugs gently at my heart. So do all our feline friends and avian visitors that call our place home serve as a reminder how rich a life I have anchored in simplicity.

Another 2024 highlight was a visit to South Carolina to listen to our son Geordan’s end of semester recital as he gets closer to his Doctorate degree.

He composed and performed the piece titled Bright Big Blue. Perhaps I’m biased… it simply was magical.

George and I are so proud of our son… proud of him and for him. He was so sweet and invited us stay over at his apartment… and we couldn’t help but fall in love with our son all over again.

2024 probably will go down in my heart as one of the “welcome back to the simple life” chapters of my life.
November’s highlight was not only Thanksgiving Day… it also coincided with November 28, my birthday!! Which as a matter of note, Thanksgiving falls on November 28 roughly every five to six years! Making me officially a thankful turkey.

For my Thanksgiving Birthday George was the sweetest ever… without any hesitation he set up archery out in the pasture, and bon-fire by the barn, set up an extra dining table in the carport and was truly the best host ever! We were both excited and nervous hoping that everyone would remember this Thanksgiving for years to come… anchored in family and love.

There were people missing at our table… George’s mom Blanca and stepdad Vlad who now reside in Czech Republic, also our niece Melanie who is a soldier in the U.S. Army was not able to make it out this time, we missed them dearly. Sadly to say there were three other people missing … mothers and fathers to us, and so we had a candle lighting ceremony for each, holding the best memory of them in our hearts at this table and on this Thanksgiving day.

Truly indeed the simple life is life’s best kept secret… and as we enter December with a heart complete, filled with Joy and Love… I am feeling truly under Divine Grace and ready to allow more of this Divine flow in my life. So with that I say, 2025 the best is yet to come. Merry Christmas and wishing you and yours a Happy and Prosperous New Year.