Half-Way Point

We Are At The Half-Way Point
It simply doesn’t matter how grand a mission…
how wonderful your attitude…
how fabulous your organization skills…
how exceptional your time management habits…
or your physical strength and mental energy.

If you fail to take action… regardless the reasons and circumstances… you will spend the only life you have to live –wishing and waiting.

Be honest…
Look back on the last 3 years of your life and answer this simple question:

Are you where you want to be right now? ___ Yes ___ No

Learn to take bold action to get started and keep moving in the direction of your dreams and goals. ONLY by taking action will you ever live up to your full potential.

If you need help with goal setting ideas and staying on track follow this link and peruse through this website…it’s choc-full of ideas: http://www.thinktq.com/

Daisy Says: You are spending the ONLY life you have to live.

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