To Pray or not to Pray

A Sweet Prayer of Peace
Why pray? Well it’s a matter of personal choice… perhaps we all do it, we may call it something else.

So, as to not get entangled with semantics… for those of us who believe in God, prayer not only establishes a relationship with God, it is vital to maintaining our relationship with Him. Imagine this… two friends who are in constant communication learn about each other, do things together, and share problems with each other. Such is with prayer, it establishes a relationship with your God.

Many people pray when they want something. They want their football team to win. They pray they may win the lottery. They might even pray for a cure for their ailments. “Oh, God, please answer me, I’ll do anything if only you let me have this. please!”

Then there are those who pray because they think they ought to. They identify prayer with following the rules and being good and faithful.

Next come the people who feel at peace while praying. A soft mantle of bliss descends on them while they pray. They experience comfort and feel reassured that all will be well.

For some people prayer is an inward conversation. The self-talk helps them sort through the labyrinth of various internal conflicts and produces a welcome sense of stillness.

Through prayer and meditation one may lose that self-centeredness, the ache of thinking that every dreadful thing that happens on earth happens to you. One might even become a new person, reborn in the Spirit.

Some think of prayer as a gift for oneself to ones Maker, the One who loves you above all.

Prayer is the treasure of time with the One who knows us more than we know ourselves. It is also an opportunity to think of the needs of our friends, family, enemies, acquaintances, all of us caught up in this mysterious journey called – life.

There are many beautiful prayers that have been handed down from tradition and we should cherish them as gifts from our ancestors. I found this website of world prayers hope you enjoy it:

Here is one that I liked from that site:

Deep peace of the running wave to you.
Deep peace of the flowing air to you.
Deep peace of the quiet earth to you.
Deep peace of the shining stars to you.
Deep peace of the infinite peace to you.

Daisy Says – a simple prayer: Peace be with You.

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