All is well

I imagined waking from the dream.

How amazing it is to discover that the most unassuming situations have turned out to be the points of greatest impact in my life. The comfort that I looked for would not come from having ‘things’, but emanated from a deeper understanding of ‘being’.

What wonder to embrace that the greatest version of life would not be in the one I visioned for myself but the one I could experience in the waking hours of my dreams.

Looking back on life, all the struggle seemed now part of the act.

And now I know that a life does not need to shine on itself to share it’s brightness it just needs to shine.

The great emancipation of my soul began when I learned that ‘this too shall pass’ – for the seconds pass into minutes the minutes into hours and so goes on the days of our lives. No matter how hard it feels right now……listening to that inner voice serves as the beacon to guide and take us to a place where we can be true to ourselves and feel fulfilled. Change and growth is a constant. If it is any comfort, I know that we are not alone on this Journey of Change.

Our very existence is a rhythm of eating and sleeping… does it really mean anything?

Every thing seems a complex pattern of rhythms.

I call the universe.

There is no road to here because you are already there, and all is well.

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