Back to simple

betsyI’m excited about growing our own food.
My grandfather was an incredible farmer, he not only had a sustainable farm but he also raised cattle for both milking and meat content.

We’ll probably start with a few raised beds… but there is much work to be done, as we still need to secure the perimeter and clear the field of weeds.

We met with Jose from Deland Florida, a cattle farmer; he was so accommodating with information. He took us on his 80 acre farm, showed us the different holding corals for the cows. Showed us the bails of hay he had stored in the barn – he said they weighed about 300 lbs each. Mostly for feeding during the cold season when the grass tends to slow its growth.

He told us that cows eat with their bottom teeth and the importance of clearing the field of weeds…as the weeds will get in their tongue and cause infection. He said cows tend to eat most about anything.

So I asked …where do they have the baby calf.. would I need to prepare a special area for her? Jose said that they’ll just pick a corner of the field and pretty much nature takes care of nature; What I found interesting was when he mentioned the placenta… the cow eats it.

>> Cow eating Placenta CLICK HERE

Daisy Says: The cow, a gentle creature.

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