Beauty Skin Deep

Beauty Skin DeepBeauty is the principal object of pure love. True beauty withstands the erosion of physical beauty and kindles the heart to love.

It is the higher qualities of the heart and of the spirit that can so captivate a soul that the will of the beloved becomes powerless, and it stands blindly, ready to serve at the beck of the one loved.

The soul must have a wonderful, heavenly beauty beyond our human eyes to see. When we choose to see with our spirit the beauty of others… we can so be truly blown away and within that one experience we share our own true beauty.

Choose to lift the haze that obscures your vision, as we glimpse for a moment at the amazing plenitude of being here in the heart of the greatest story ever told — our own lives. Awaken to the beauty of the soul and begin to realize how precious your time here ..on earth, in this body… is… and see the beauty that lies within the eyes that look back at you.

Daisy Says: You are beautiful.

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