Bounce back

Sometimes it feels that walls come up out of no where.
I’ve tried creating a plan with total step by step action only to come short of my goal.

Just when I thought I had it all figured out; I had done all my homework, all my research and prepared, I discover that I have been misinformed and that my plan didn’t work; and as hard as I tried I couldn’t seem to change the outcome.

When these times come around, I have learned that I need to be my own very best cheerleader

i canKeeping myself encouraged with any of these two ways:

I take responsibility for the missed opportunity or the misrepresentation. I’ve learned that even though I have made the best effort, others may have expected things done a different way.

I now prepare for the letdowns that happens every so often. I understand now that those lost opportunities just set me up to take advantage of the next one. I realize that I can make the necessary alterations next time – because now I have ‘experience‘. Instead of dwelling on the mistakes, I acknowledge them and begin to focus on the adjustments needed to make the difference. I study the mistakes and learn from them.

I remind myself that even a caterpillar through meditation and rest earned it’s wings to fly.

The second encouragement practice I do is: I remind myself that as long as I am willing, (key word here “willing”) I am bound to get better. There is no need to get down on myself, no need to beat myself up (I’m good at that). I remind myself that the next opportunity is the one that matters, not the last one. The last one is done with, it’s over, it’s part of the past – to linger there does not help me in my growth.

The next opportunity gives me the chance to show that I have learned from my mistakes. I can do better, I just need to practice and keep trying until. Until??? yes, until I get it. Whatever that means… at whatever I am doing.

human-being-to-being-human-letsIt’s this journey of “being human” that we are here to experience. So I tell myself if I have figured out what went wrong last time, then I know how to make it right the next time. In business perhaps it’s about becoming a better communicator. In the kitchen it may be adding a different ratio of ingredients to make the recipe better. It’s all relevant. I remind myself not to beat myself up and to applaud myself for figuring it out.

I could only hope that you pick yourself up when you fall… encourage yourself. Don’t wait for others to do it for you… they are busy with their own issues. Pump yourself up, be your own cheerleader!

Why? To develop our “human beingness”. We need to dig deep inside of ourselves and have faith in ourselves and in our ability to figure out what works and what doesn’t. This life is very personal, what works for someone else may not apply to you.

We all need to develop the inner belief that everything we are doing, we are doing for a positive outcome in the future. We need to encourage ourselves with future successes while experiencing an amazing NOW.

When we suffer a set back it is only a cue that we are not fully prepared, we are not ready and we need to make the adjustments and get back in line.
There is an old cowboy saying, “Fall off a horse seven times and you’re a real cowboy”. If you fall off a horse, get right back on. If you fall off track, get right back on. If you fall away from your disciplines, get right back to them. If you fall out of your good habits, get back into the good habits.

Something goes wrong, do what you can to make it right.

Bottom line: if you fall off, get back on. No one said it will be easy or frightening.

Get back on!

Keep your resolve alive – active and well.

Daisy Says: Cheer yourself on to victory. You can do it!

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