Cold water

Ever jump into cold water? How did you handle that ? Are you one of those people that will simply jump in? or… do you torture yourself by taking small little steps at a time?

“How you do anything, is how you do everything.” Basically means that if you are a person that will simply jump into the cold water, you will also carry that trait into other areas of your life. If we take starting a business as an example, you would simply go at it 100%, as opposed to doing endless preparation before you actually do anything productive.
Rainbow woman
The ‘simply jump in’ method has both advantages and drawbacks. One of the great things about this outlook on life is the fact that it initiates action. Inaction is the greatest peril in the way of accomplishing absolutely anything. Unfortunately we are all susceptible to it to some degree.

Balance is very important in anything that we do. To apply this concept to what we are discussing we should ‘simply jump in’ but at the same time we should also be able to stop ourselves long enough to do some necessary due diligence.

The other solution to inaction is a simple piece of advice.. ‘get over yourself’. People tend to over analyze a lot of what they do. Often we simply need to push ourselves to jump into the cold water so that we can feel less cold after we do.

What about motivation to ‘jump’? If the reward at the end of the jump isn’t big enough to move us to action, we simply are not going to jump. This is a very crucial point.

People who are successful in life, all have one thing in common: PASSION. What would be a better motivator then being passionate about what you do? The cause… the purpose… what ever it may be will bring you to that place where your passion lives.

Daisy Says: Simply jump!

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