Current Events – America, the war from within

Don’t know if we are to love or hate the new president of America – Donald J. Trump, for stirring the pot of emotions. Deep love or repugnant hatred.

Interesting that ‘we the people’ talk about our great land of freedoms… freedom of speech, religious persecution and freedom to bare arms. Yet, either it seems that there is a loud minority that is appalled about these same freedoms or a quiet majority that refuses to do anything.

Where I stand with many issues…. is, Thank you… the America I knew allowed for my freedom as well as yours… if you don’t like it, you have the freedom to purchase an airplane ticket and fly out to a country that tolerates YOUR INTOLERANCE.

What’s the deal with? San Francisco 49ers – Colin Kaepernick who chose to sit during the national anthem in protest of what he deems are wrongdoings against African Americans and minorities in the United States. He is quoted to say: “I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color,”
Really… the country and its constitution doesn’t oppress… people oppress each other.

We can fast forward or play back to the “Black Lives Matter” movement, I am of the belief that the minute you call out Black, White, Hispanic, Asian, Jew, Christian, Atheist, Gay, Straight YOU HAVE DONE A BIG DISSERVICE TO HUMANITY – you are part of the problem of segregation. You have chosen to put us in a box separate from each other.

Should it not be common sense that we are travelling through space together on planet Earth clue enough? We are the HUMAN RACE. Dang… moments like that I wish that some weird extra- terrestrial lands here just to see how fast we come together.

Now we move to the next stupid war from within… let’s take down historical monuments -confederate statues- BECAUSE THEY OFFEND US. What I don’t understand is… what ever happened to enforcing our laws?! Destroying and defacing public property is VANDALISM. A civilized people would gather together and stomp to city hall with petitions and request these monuments moved, but this is truly a quiet civil war of blind stupidity. The stupidity of thinking that removing something either from a local plaza or a history book would make like it did not happen!

It is the recorded history that allows us to solemnly realize our growth and suffering and hopes that we’ve learned to be better people.

You would think that a civilized and educated people would erect new monuments to express our growth… one that would express how far we’ve come. It’s a shame that it seems easier to blame leaders for our own ineptness, we must each take responsibility for our own actions.

There is a saying that… it’s got to get worse before it gets better. If these worse times and actions are a sign that things have hope of getting better, well I pray for president Donald J. Trump and all the leaders working with him as well as his family because I sure want to be around to see those better days.