Dance in silence

I can’t remember exactly when, but it feels like I have always known that I’m a free spirit. Every waking hour I struggle to make peace with the limitations of the flesh.

In youth I remember being trapped by fears and doubts of others-

I yearned to break free only to be entangled in the web once more.

As I grew more into this solid state experiences of spiritual freedom became few and few as I gave way to the clock others kept.

Every now and then I rattled my cage. And I would hear freedom cries: “spirit let’s soar, let’s soar!”

Dare I fly any higher than I’ve flown before?
I know the rivers and valley but could there be more?

I’ve heard the tales of far away lands of joys and laughter; of sunrises and star-lit skies where romance, passion and beauty abound.

With a weary heart I crossed many bridges. I danced to silence. In the arms of another I placed my love, my heart and my life. I can’t hear the music yet I danced,

in this garden I danced until sprouts appeared with joy in my heart I felt the promise of Spring; Oh, to dance anew perhaps to song!

What worries me now is my beloved has strayed -the weight of uncertainty has stolen his joy.

Alas to dance, to dance perchance
to silence why not…

for Spring will fade and Winter will soon be upon us.

Why do we worry so?

Let’s dream while we can of long Summer nights and savor the sweet wine under an Autumn sky,

perhaps my beloved will learn some day that the dance we dance is life itself.

Daisy Says: Close your eyes and dance to the song in your heart.

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