On Gratitude and Excuses

Sometimes in life we allow ‘things’ to affect us.

As I sit here contemplating all that I am grateful for (as I always do at the end of my day) – I wonder how many people allow these ‘THINGS’ to rob them of many great opportunities?

What are these ‘things’? Excuses.
— I am too tired
— I am too skinny
— I am too fat
— I am sick
— I am too old
— It’s raining
— I’ve got kids
— I don’t have any money

Those ‘things’ are affirmations of a condition that you see yourself in. You are proclaiming your reality.
… and SO IT IS. Only you can thank yourself for the world you proclaimed as your reality.

Today was a special day, (as it has been these past few days) I awoke to the sound of my mom and dad in my kitchen. I purposefully stayed in bed just to reminisce back to ‘when I was a little girl’. I closed my eyes and heard my parents talking… quietly I smiled amazed at how the little nuances manage to stay the same.

To have them with me on this Autumn day is a blessing.

I have two brothers, whom I love dearly. My younger brother is somewhat estranged… I miss him. Today I am grateful because he called to say hello.

I was working in the garden this morning and was grateful to have friends and family with me. Mostly I was glad for the rain that was falling on our heirloom orange grove (it so desperately needed it). I was so grateful that I continued working in the rain enjoying the raindrops falling on my head.

I am mostly grateful that my 16 year old son still enjoys my company.

Even though the holiday feasting has begun… I am grateful for the opportunity to help others.

I am grateful that I had a chance to visit with my Godmother who was in town (I had not seen her in 17 years).

Picture2 066 (Daisy, Godmother Amantina and Mami)

(Just loaded the washing machine) I am grateful that I have a washing machine and dryer- would not want to wash those clothes by hand!

I would have missed a great day today… if I would have given into the excuses.

Yes, I was sleepy and could have stayed in bed, but I would have missed out the morning minutes with my parents. I would have missed meeting friends at the farm. Had I not gone to the farm this morning – the fence job would have had to wait because it needed a commencement approval. I also would have missed the sweet rain falling on me while I worked on the orange grove. I would have missed my sons amazement and remarks at discovering new things on the farm. If I ignored my telephone I would have not been able to help those that called with concerns. And if I would have used the excuse that I was tired, that it was late, that it was too far… I would have missed the opportunity to visit with my Godmother and to give her a hug and let her know that I love her.

Shakespeare wrote:

“And oftentimes, excusing of a fault,
Doth make a fault the worse by the excuse;
As patches set upon a little breach,
Discredit more in hiding of the fault,
Than did the fault before it was so patch’d.”

Excuses. Everyone has them. Are your excuses getting the best of you? Are your excuses depriving you of special moments?

Perhaps it’s time to take up gardening. Plant your garden of success today:

First, plant 3 rows of peas;

Positive thinking

Next, plant 3 rows of squash;

Squash excuses
Squash blame
Squash criticism

Then, plant 3 rows of lettuce;

Let us be responsible
Let us be trustworthy
Let us be ambitious

Finish, with 3 rows of turnip;

Turn up when needed
Turn up with a smile
Turn up with confidence

Daisy Says: Happy Thanksgiving.

One thought on “On Gratitude and Excuses

  1. “The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings.” (Eric Hoffer)


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