Hawk Spirit Guides

I was trimming back some flowers at my sons house when his neighbor Ivanka came out and pointed at a hawk in front of the house on the grass. We both admired the hawk in silence, then she told me how she feels a connection with the hawks and that they seem to appear where ever she is.

Last night I was asking for guidance and perhaps had too much nonsense in my mind and I woke up a bit frustrated because I did not feel any new revelation to my request.

In the mornings I like to gaze out my living room window to see the day tenderly manifest itself while I have my morning my coffee. This morning as I quietly sipped on my coffee a hawk rested on my fence gazing towards the North sky. I paused with no mind to be in the moment, absorbed in a vacuum of silence I became one with the hawk as we shared a moment in eternity.

It is said that hawks are visionaries and messengers; as a spirit guide they help to open the higher chakras so that we may hear and see the visions and messages that Spirit and the Universe are always sending our way.

My spirit guide is asking me to seek within and tune in to the message, it’s asking me to take a broader look and I will find the answer.

The Universe is always trying to get a message through to us but we are so often too busy or unaware of what it is we need to be watching for!

Many of the messages Hawk may bring are about freeing ourselves of thoughts and beliefs that are limiting our ability to soar above our life and gain a greater perspective. It is this ability to soar high above to catch a glimpse of the bigger picture that is one of the aspects of Hawk spirit that makes it so valuable: If one is undergoing a difficult passage remember that freedom and liberation is right around the corner.

Hawk spirit unites Heaven and Earth and this gives me hope.

In the Egyptian Tradition Hawk was associated with Magic and shape-shifting. Isis is said to have shape-shifted into a Hawk to save Osiris. Horus also carried Hawk medicine which allowed him to see the “unsee-able”.

Among Native American traditions, Hawk served the role of Mercury, bringer of messages and portents of change. Hawk reminded the people they needed to be awake and aware.

Daisy Says: The more we understand how God speaks to us the greater experience we can have on this earth – we can ‘Awaken’ from the dream we live.

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