Keep It Going

remix life

The great philosopher Thoreau said, “The mass of people live lives of quiet desperation.”

Why is that?

Why do so many people live lives of quiet desperation?

Why do so many people settle for so little when nature’s law is about abundance?

Too many people just want to be comfortable. Too many people lost their passion and their drive. You are not a brick! You are more like a tree! You are LIFE! Not just growing from the outside, but growing on the inside.

Look at yourself right now.. where ever you are in life, there is more waiting for you out there.

Being comfortable IS your worst enemy!

Feel the stir of your desires and know that you are worthy of receiving, proclaim your birth right of abundance. Begin to Live!

Daisy Says: There is a whole world waiting for you, let LIFE stir within you!

One thought on “Keep It Going

  1. I hope you never stop! This is one of the best blogs Ive ever read. I just hope that you dont lose your style because youre definitely one of the coolest bloggers out there. Please keep it up because the internet needs someone like you spreading the word.

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