Lake Jessup

I’ve been meaning to share my relationship with Lake Jessup.

I take the 417 highway when I travel south to visit with my brothers. One of the most beautiful scenery is Lake Jessup.

Recently I discovered that it really is a watershed. A watershed (also called a drainage basin) is an area on the land surface from which water flows or has the potential to flow to a common destination.

This body of water is peaceful to gaze on; there are some days when boaters and fisherman add to the picturesque panorama.

On occasion Lake Jessup has been teeming with alligators, I’ve seen cattle grazing by the edge and often wondered if they have gone mysteriously missing.

The Lake Jesup Watershed is located within Seminole County and spans 59.6 square miles. The watershed contains 16 named lakes/ponds, 14 named rivers/streams/canals.

Click to view the water resources in this watershed.

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