Laughter- ‘a good medicine’

Could you ever remember laughing so hard you cried?

Even the Old Testament references the healing properties of laughter: “A merry heart doeth good like a medicine.”

In his book “Anatomy of an Illness” Norman Cousins describes how he cured himself of a debilitating disease through the use of humor. He watched old Marx Brothers movies and laughed uncontrollably. He believes his own laughter cured his disease and went on to live well into his 80s!

Laughter affects human physiology. It:

* Reduces pain. Our bodies produce pain-killing hormones called endorphins in response to laughter.
* Strengthens immune function. A good belly laugh increases production of T-cells, interferon and immune proteins.
* Decreases stress. When under stress, we produce a hormone called cortisol. Laughter lowers cortisol levels and returns the body to a more relaxed state.

According to Psyche Center – Maud Purcell, LCSW, CEA also adds that humor has a positive impact on intellectual and emotional functioning. It:

* Helps put life’s trials and tribulations into healthy perspective by making them seem smaller.
* Aids us in overcoming fear.
* Allows us to take ourselves less seriously.
* Triggers our creativity.

Daisy Says: Let go and laugh, it does a body good!

2 thoughts on “Laughter- ‘a good medicine’

  1. Now that was adorable! I got my first laughs of the day and now I must to keep them coming.
    Thank you cuz and have a wonderful laughable day. : )

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