Living in Harmony


Universal Truths exist, it is the discovery through our own personal evolution that we begin to acknowledge them. We create harmony in our life when we flow within the ebb of these discoveries.

I definitely am not going to profess that I know what these Truths are, yet I believe that each and everyone has within themselves the capacity to ‘feel’ when they are in harmony with them.

The pool of emotions that we have become familiar with are the key to understanding when we are in harmony with these Truths. Feelings of frustration, anger, hate, discord etc allow us to gauge and adjust our course to align with the path of harmony.

If you are not happy with your weight, your home, your job, then it is time to make the proper adjustments to align with those things that make you feel happy and balanced. Don’t you think you deserve to feel great and at peace within your soul? Absolutely!

Only you can make that change, only you can take that first step to personal freedom, only you can break the mental chains that bind you. How? Self-analysis and Action. Even on small little itty bitty action… repeated every day will bring you change. Come.. take a small little peak into a harmonious life…and take the first step, a great life awaits you!

Daisy Says: Follow your feelings to perfect harmony.

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