Lost in Love

Lost in Love

The words in the song “Perdidos” (spanish word for: lost) reminds me how wonderful it is to be intoxicated with Love and in Love. Being committed to Love, the craziness of the passion and the Joy and Peace of going to that ‘destination’ with that special someone.

When you are committed to being Lost in Love, there is no reason for your actions. Your destination is Love and to be lost in that space is magical. Being lost there is wonderful, peaceful and timeless.

That ‘special place’ is created from the union of the two. A place built upon memories of moments together, the touch, the words, the scenery and even the silence of togetherness. That ‘special place’ that only you two can steal away to- where paradise exist and the world belongs to only the two of you.

Daisy Says: Lost in Love, is a gift that makes the heart flutter and blinds the reason of sanity.

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