March Clouds and Sunshine

There is so much magic all around us. Even in the simple act of looking up at the clouds we can take in so much mystery, wonder and beauty.
I caught these beautiful clouds … and saw these lovely faces in them. Can you see them too?

first pic.. is the cloud as I captured it with the camera. Below you will see my rendition of the faces I saw in them – you need to enlarge and I outlined the dark areas that showed me the faces.

I think many of us associate angels as beings in clouds… not for the romantic notion but, more so because of the ethereal nature of clouds.

According to myth, clouds were not clouds at all but a group of young nymphs called Nephelai, the daughters of two titans, Oceanus and Tethys. These cloud spirits, depicted as beautiful and transparent, spent their days collecting water from the rivers in cloudy pitchers, then floating up to the heavens.

Many of us would like to believe that angels appear to us in clouds… the thought brings a smile to my face.

What splendor it is to bask in the warm early rays of the Sun.

A few days later I went back to sky gazing and captured this lovely collage in the sky. How lovely the colors… so many different shades of blue and white and gray! Do you see the images?

I see faces to the top left… and is that a dragon in the sky? OH my! oh wait! I see a beautiful seagull too or could it be a dove?

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