Never enough time

Pumpkin Patch
Did that thought ever cross your mind? I found a lump in my breast today. Don’t be alarmed… I’m not buying into the fear, I’m in my forty’s so women having lumps in their breasts is not unusual. (that’s what I tell myself)

But it makes me wonder. So, what would you do differently tomorrow that you didn’t do today?

What words would you use with more frequency then you have been using?

What problems would mean nothing if you were not here to resolve them?

What wealth would matter if you were not here to enjoy it?

Who would you spend those precious hours with?

What meaning does anything have when your days are counted? If you can paint your next 45 days based on them being your last…why wait? Start today living like these are those precious hours and watch how beautiful and tender your life really is.

Daisy Says: Give your Life meaning and Live it with passion.

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