Obama and the Emperor’s New Clothes

The recent comments by United States President Obama has left me doubting his common sense.

One of the precepts in America is: Innocent until proven guilty.
Eleven years of police work in Florida has left trails of policing experience embedded in me. Enough to understand that surrounding circumstances can change an innocent story into a criminal act.

Take for example someone strolling through a residential street with a screwdriver in their back pocket.
Innocent right?

That same scenery (irrelevant of race and gender), strolling through a residential street at 3:00 am takes on a whole different meaning; considering that screwdrivers have been used to break into cars and homes.

Imagine the day that a police officer can not stop someone to question what appears to be suspicious acts? Then we don’t need them. Just let them sit at the donut shops or at the police stations taking reports!!

Shame on you President Obama! You have a job to do and we expect you to do it in an impartial way.
Police Officers have a job to do also: to PROTECT AND SERVE. I’m sure if someone were breaking into his home…it would be a different story. Oh I forgot…he has the secret service (and we don’t).

I agree with James Preston’s comment (president of the Fraternal Order of Police Florida State Lodge): “By reducing all contact between law enforcement and the public to the color of their skin or ethnicity is, in fact, counterproductive to improving relationships,” Preston said. “To make such an offhanded comment about a subject without benefit of the facts, in such a public forum, hurts police/community relations and is a setback to all of the years of progress.”

Some people just enjoy listening to themselves, and to me (at this time) it appears that with the passing days of his election President Obama is enjoying listening to himself speak or he is being ballyhooed by talking heads– ergo: The Emperor’s New Clothes.

(claim at Technorati: 8zjnrq2dsi)

Daisy Says: Knowing when to speak is a great sign of leadership.

4 thoughts on “Obama and the Emperor’s New Clothes

  1. Obama seems to be a nice guy but Im not really sure he has it all together up there: Remember he helped stoke the fires against (1) Capitalism saying that it is corrupt and causes inequality hence his redistribution of wealth schemes(2) the wealthy in this country promising to tax them more to pay for Health Insurance and what not (3) AIG executives for getting Bonues that Congress themselves agreed to in the First Bailout plan they passed.Had his Acorn supportes protesting infront of peoples homes.(4)now acussing the police of racism when he admitted to not knowing all the facts in advance.

  2. “Though I may disagree with what you say, I shall still defend to the death your right to say it.” (Voltaire)


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