Passion Living

I can’t imagine any other way to live but with Passion.

Movies are exciting because they have packed emotional stings into 90 minutes of show time. Yet, monotony explains the lives of many people. Boring. Dull. Uneventful. Ask people what’s going on in their lives and they say: S S D D. (same stuff different day)

I remember a phase that my son was going through back in Elementary School, one day he came home and he used the word ‘Boring’ in a sentence (I’m sure most parents have heard this too); he said, “mommy, I’m bored”. I blew my handle. I looked at him and explained to him the impact of his word and how he had made a declaration of his person. I said, “Geordan, if you ‘ARE’ bored no one will want to be around you – so rather say ‘I’m Excited!’ and you shall become that’. I can tell you 7 years later, ‘boring’ is not part of my son’s self expression.

We need to infuse passion into what we do, no matter how trivial the task is. I truly believe that by infusing Passion we transfer a magnetized energy that others feel and the moment becomes magical.

There are so many scenarios I can picture in my mind specially a story my dad told me about 2 brick layers.

Goes something like this: A man walks by a construction site and sees two brick layers at work, he approaches the first and asks: ‘Sir, may I ask, what are you doing?’, brick layer 1 responds, ‘Isn’t it obvious? can’t you see? I’m laying bricks!’
He then approaches the second brick layer and asks him the same question. At which time brick layer 2 answered, “Why sir, let me tell you what I’m doing. I am helping to erect a hospital, this will bring more jobs to the community and most important this will be a place of healing and recovery”.

I am sure that the patients healed faster in the area where brick layer 2 built because he infused his work with positive passion and goodwill.

Sometimes we get caught up in the daily routine that we forget the ‘reason’ why we do what we do and we lose the passion of what got us excited in the first place! It is at that delicate moment right before monotony sets in that we need to resell ourselves the dream and infuse passion into what we do.

Daisy Says: Live your day with Passion, and FEEL the magic around you.

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