I’m Possible


Nothing is… impossible! I’m-possible!!

All that is possible has the ability of Realization; has the ability of being conceived. In the realm of what is possible things can manifest according to nature. I ponder on the nature of man… if collectively we are infinite beings then our nature is infinite and therefore our possibilities are endless!

Moving into the realm of what is possible we must embrace courage. Courage is about making those moment to moment decisions that carve our true path.

It takes a lot of courage to move from inaction to action. It takes a lot of courage from doubting ourself to trusting in the gentle nudges of our soul.

It is through the eyes of courage that we can look back and acknowledge the incredible life that we have carved for ourselves… seeing it with the eyes of truth and acceptance. It takes courage to identify and stay on our own true path.

Courage is seen in those little acts we make on a daily basis; it is those little yet apparently insignificant acts that take us closer to who we really are and what our mission truly is. Every day we are presented with choices about how to act and respond, what to say and do; constantly we are pulled in a myriad of directions by many people yet courage moves us onto our path with every choice we make.

We should embrace the possibilities of what our life has to offer, it’s not always going to be easy. Making a change or taking a risk….can create moments of apprehension, agonizing self doubt and fear. If we allow it, fear has the potential to stop us in our tracks.

Courage is about moving through fear, even if our knees are knocking and we have a pit in our stomach. The opposite of courage isn’t fear…it’s inaction. Courage is about acting from our heart even in the face of fear.

The world needs our talents for building bridges, listening and providing collaborative solutions.

Courage is already inside of us… lying dormant waiting for us to embrace the possibilities of an amazing life. Think back to all the difficult choices you’ve made because you knew deep inside they were important to you.

Seek out the resources that will strengthen your courage. Embrace your courage, feel it stir deep within you and be empowered. And when you are…. believe me… you will empower others and contribute to the world making it a better place.

Daisy Says: Recognize your courage. Own it. Use it. And share it with others.

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