Relationship Mind Games

Whether we like it or not… we are destined to play the relationship mind game. Some of us fall prey to the game and others have become masters at it.

What is yet most amusing is that this game is being played every day and we are playing it whether we are aware of it or not. In this game we also (in most cases subconsciously) choose our partner partially based upon their abilities and skill at playing the games we know how to play.

“Flirting” can be placed in this category as one of the mind games we play, for the most part it is fun and satisfying and does no harm.
(enjoy Pitbull: want me)

I don’t claim to be an expert of mind games and would not like to play any game where someone could get hurt, yet I do believe that one should be aware of the games that people do play because one could so easily get caught in the middle of a full blown game. Keep your eyes on the end zone and go for a touch down!

If you are going to play… try and learn the rules, tread with caution, give your opponent a few passes and always go for the home run!

Daisy Says: In the name of Peace and Love, Yes is the surrender when you let go.

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