Saying, Seeing, Sowing

Success on any level, even success at being a failure, depends on what we say, what we see, and what we sow.

What we Say

Language is a powerful and potent tool. It creates our experience of reality.
* What we say to the world determines how the world responds to us. And what we say to ourselves determines what we say to the world. The more we subject ourselves to words like “I can’t”, “I’m not good enough,” or “there’s not enough to go around”, “I have to grab what I can while I can,”

then, the world says “yes, you’re right,” and proceeds to prove it.

If you put a small value on yourself, be certain the world will return a small value for you.

Your words are powerful; watch them closely.

What we See

The view we hold of the world and of our place in it also helps determine how we speak to the world.

Holding a poor image of yourself usually creates a view of the world that is clouded, more negative. It is possible to become susceptible to every painful bump along your self-created rocky road. You may become less trusting of others. And, in your mind, rightly so. Your perspective determines what you will see around you.

…and what you see around you- supports the view you hold. It comes full circle. There is no other way.

The vision you hold reproduces itself in your world.

What we Sow

How we speak to ourselves and how we see ourselves determine what actions we take.

And the actions we take produce the results we get.

When we don’t like those results, most of us tend to often blame outside circumstances. Or ridicule ourselves for being so stupid with words like: “See, I knew I couldn’t do it right,” or “I always do it wrong.” Those patterns of self-talk become habits that influence our actions, and our responses and reactions.

Our actions always return to us, (no exceptions); new, conscious actions=new results.

Success is simple to achieve in this world. (It’s a matter of REMEMBERING)

Yes! That we ARE already successful, we ARE beautiful, we ARE happy!

You may not believe that because you’ve bought into some other person’s or institution’s idea of what success should be. And no, you can’t always–if ever–control outside circumstances.

Yet, I can assure you of this…you can always control your responses to them by the way you speak, how you view yourself and the world, and through the kinds of actions you take.

Daisy Says: Thoughts are Powerful.

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