Simplicity of an Unselfish Heart

unselfish heart

A farmer tills his land and plants his seeds, he knows that he’s done all he can possibly do to the best of his ability and also understands that he must trust the elements and wait patiently for the course of time to bring the much-awaited harvest. He understands that no amount of expectation or anxiety from his part will accelerate the end result. It is in this observation that we must gather our lesson of the seasons within each of our experiences.

When you see yourself as the farmer of your life then you will open to the truth in these words. Choose to ‘sow’ goodness, love, and peace. Honor these values in your actions and thoughts; and without expectation sow them upon everyone you see never expecting results yet with complete Faith, understanding that in time there will be a harvest.

Living with the simplicity of an unselfish heart allows us to blend with the song of nature.

*The beautiful artwork came from Dzeni’s blogspot.

Daisy Says: Keep in mind that your deeds never go unnoticed for your eyes see what you do.

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