S.M.A.R.T Goals

How SMART are your goals this year?

I encourage you to dig out your goal or resolution list and look at each goal and evaluate it. You may have a few that you can remove, they probably don’t apply any more. Make any changes to ensure it meets the criteria for a SMART goals-

Here are the criteria you are looking for in your goals:

S = Specific
M = Measurable
A = Attainable
R = Realistic
T = Timely

Specific: Make sure they are straightforward, so as to achieve what you want to happen.
Measurable: Create sections which you can target and use to evaluate progress.
Attainable: Maximize all your resources to reach your goals,this will help make use of your time, mind and energy.
Realistic: Break your goals down to bite size pieces. See the big picture and then break it down to little parts.
Timely: Put a deadline to it so you can progress towards it. (putting deadlines on the bite size pieces too)

It’s not too late! I know you can do anything you set your mind on.

Daisy Says: Yes you can!

One thought on “S.M.A.R.T Goals

  1. “You have your birth-control, self-control, quality-control, and mind-control, but I burned my appointment calendar. I don’t have goals or agendas anymore.” (Dalton Quistberg)

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