Storms may come and Go

The storms of life sometimes seem to come with no fore warning.

Are you experiencing a storm right now? Is your life full of stress, problems, and pain?

It’s time to learn how to shut off the mind, find and connect with this infinite ocean of peace inside!

This unlimited peace and happiness is yours.

Discovering inner peace is about centering ourselves to the present moment. Once we can remain centered in this moment, we stop fighting life and start learning our lessons! The very center of our innermost being contains the greatest source of love, joy, and peace.

Find the foundation of your faith and you will find your strength. Take a minute to re-evaluate your faith, your love, your courage and here you will find the bricks of your foundation. You like a builder have laid a foundation of faith deep within yourself–and then slowly have built on it.

When a storm or crisis hits, know that all is well. You have already experienced the presence of Love, Peace and Eternal Joy. You are always protected.

Being centered in this moment keeps you focused on the right course. Life’s circumstances will challenge or overwhelm you, even your responsibilities will seem burdensome. It is in those moments that you must seek your Inner Peace, this sanctuary of Love, Peace and Joy that is within you. You don’t need to look outside of yourself.

You need only take a moment to remember.
Let the world do what the world will do and take a moment for yourself, a moment to remember your sanctuary. Going apart can simply mean changing your thinking.

Quiet your mind and feel the calmness of Spirit. Rest in the silence for a moment. When your thoughts return, allow gratitude and appreciation to fill your mind and heart, reconnecting me with Love, Peace and Joy at the center of your being.

Daisy Says: Build your foundation on Love, Peace and Joy.

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