Ten years

Where will you be ten years from now?10

Some of us use the ‘cross-my-finger’ theory: I’ll just cross my finger and hope for the best.
But truly is that enough? What is life without the dream?

What is a dream without a plan?

What is a plan without action?

No destination was ever arrived at by standing still.

Just a few minor adjustments that is all we need. Sometimes we get the idea that we’re doing everything we can… but truth is.. perhaps all we are doing is about 10% and there’s about 90% more that we need in order to make the difference for our fortunate future but probably the opposite is true.

I believe that perhaps we are doing enough to have bought and shared in the good life so far; and perhaps all we need is that extra 5% or 10% of intellectual change, activity change, a refinement of discipline, a refinement of thought.

All we need are the ideas and desire to make those simple changes.

The equity starts gathering in one year, three years, five years… ten years.

Truth is, now is the time to ‘fix’ the next 10 years.

Who is that person ten years from now? Are you engaged in all the disciplines that will help you become this person? Or is it just dreams with no action? You don’t want to engage in disillusion, hoping without actin. Wishing without doing.

The key to this futuristic gazing is to ask: Where am I now? What could I do daily to make the changes necessary towards my future? Most important is to start where you are, to start… now!

Yes, start now making the changes to walk this new road and be assured that those disciplines and right action will make a great deal of difference in one year, three years, fives years. And before you know it 10 years will reveal a complete transformation. It is not the 10 years that matter but more so, the person you have become along the way.

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