The Company You Keep

“Tell me who you hang out with and I’ll tell you who you are”. Those words were often uttered by my mother.

Life has taught me the truth of those words. The company we keep says a lot about who we are.
Sure, there are some company we can’t seem to run away from such as family.

There is a quote that describes it best: ‘You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.’ Jim Rohn

It doesn’t matter how smart you are. It doesn’t matter how talented you are, which skills you have, where you are born, or which family you came from. Success or happiness in life is affected by the people you surround yourself with.

Who are the 5 people in your life that you spend time with? In a 24 hour day, how many of those hours are spent with which people: family, spouse, co-workers and close friends. Try this little exercise, your contemplation on this may surprise you.

Write those 5 people on a piece of paper. (It’s okay if they are less than 5.)
Ask yourself this: Who are they? What do they do with their lives? How ambitious are they, how successful have they been, how happy, optimistic, and enthusiastic are they?

Ask yourself how do they enhance your life (emotionally, mentally, physically, financially).
Are they vampires? or Energizers? Do they encourage you? or do they knock your ideas down?

Life is precious, you are the masterpiece in the making. It is up to you to not allow this work to become stymied. What would you not do to live an excellent life?

Make a choice of what is important to you and increase the amount of time engaging yourself in new ventures that push you towards excellence; in your quest you will begin aligning yourself with a new standard of people.

Sometimes you may find that you are your best company.

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