The Foreclosure Dilema

In the four months since The Helpful Hands Foundation launched their Foreclosure Prevention Program it already helped many people in preserving home ownership and it’s a good feeling.

Many lenders are reaching out to work with qualified home owners who have undergone hardships. Using an organization to advocate on your behalf takes the emotional burden of dealing with the myriads of phone calls, elevator music, holds and transfers just to have someone tell you to call back.

If you or someone dear to you is experiencing foreclosure, here are some tips they can take:

  • evaluate your financial situation
  • be realistic of your ability and willingness to resolve the problem
  • contact your lender and let them know your plight
  • put it in writing: prepare a detailed hardship letter
  • have proof of your income and any other documents that can prove your situation (medical bills ect)

Be strong, this is not a permanent situation. Keep in mind that life happens, and it is not so much about what is happening but more so about how you handle what is happening. One of my favorites quotes is from Robert Schuller: Tough times don’t last, tough people do.

Daisy Says: don’t allow tough moments get in the way of a great life.

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