The Mystery of Life

The Mystery of Life
As I have come to see things, the purpose of life is to grow, expand, and completely realize one’s own true identity. The real Self is the treasure of human life, and can be found only when we search within.

The life we know is a thin layer of events covering a deeper reality. Many instances through-out my day even in its hectic state I experience a state of inner peace as I move within each moment and within this serenity all feels perfect.

The mystery of life is a deeper reality where we are part of every event that is happening now,
has ever happened,
or ever will happen.

It is from this deeper reality, that we know absolutely who we are and what our purpose is, we don’t question…we just are and allow others to be. There is no confusion or conflict with any other person on earth. Our purpose in life is to help creation expand and grow.

…and that creation is each and everyone one of us.

Daisy Says: Look within yourself and you will see only love.

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