To See or Not To See

I had a visit with my mother and father; I enjoy being in their space and talking about really mundane matters that normally don’t make conversations like- how the wind blows or the marching of ants . Mami had a feast ready for me and of course my dad showered me with all his attention.

At this time my father had recently gone through eye surgery and it was a real treat to see him without glasses for the first time ever.

While we were dining he looks over at a very small dot on my arm and says … (in surprise), ” what happened there, when did you get that?”; my mom looks over and tells him that I’ve had that there for over five years.

That small dialogue made me contemplate on how often look at something yet miss a particular detail. Or how two people could be looking at the same object and describe two different scenery. It just seems that the whole of life is to absorb oneself as much in the moment and to make an extra effort to question what we see.

I wonder… is what we see, only what we want to see? What kind of effort would be required of us to acknowledge more of what we see?

How many times has our beliefs been tested by what we perceive?

How many times do we close ourselves from a new relationship because of what we saw with our eyes without giving the opportunity to use our “inner-eye” to really ‘see’ that person?

Imagine the magic in our world if we allowed a little wonderment in our life. The wonderment of enjoying the gift of sight. The wonderment of our surroundings and the people in our lives and what they mean to us.

Daisy Says: Look upon your life and behold the magic.

One thought on “To See or Not To See

  1. “Suddenly, the world is more full, more colorful, and more dynamic.” (Jon Eben Field)

    “There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy.” (William Shakespeare)


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