What Else Can Go Wrong?

Think on how positive Murphy was… Murphy’s Law:
“If anything can go wrong, it will”

That’s a pretty positive statement! Wouldn’t you agree? I am not referring to the quality of the outcome, but.. let’s entertain the truth: that IT WILL happen!

I opened an email today and was reading through, the author was telling me about some challenges they were going through with some of their electrical equipment, the air conditioner needed replacing and the refrigerator also broke. What startled me the most was the last sentence of the email, they went on to say: “Oh well, just waiting to see what else can go wrong.”

I began to think… wow, I wonder how many people are just doing that? Waiting to see ‘what else can go wrong’? I’m sure the Universe is quite eager to fulfill their wish. It is inevitable that we will receive that which we expect.

Most people don’t realize that by thinking over and over on all that can go wrong – they may be attracting more adversity into their lives.

You might have heard about laws of attraction, the secret, or the concept of visualization; do you realize that positive or negative if it is expected – you will receive it!?

Stop the madness, put all that stress aside and start setting aside time each day to relax and start opening to receive better times.

Daisy Says: What Else Can Go Right!?

4 thoughts on “What Else Can Go Wrong?

  1. I believe in always thinking positive no matter what’s going on in my life.

  2. People don’t realize that we have the power not only on the things we said, but also on the things we think for bad or for good, so why to open the door of adversity if we have the power to open the door of the infinity of good things.What door you want to open today?More you train our brain to think the positive more good thing going to attract.

  3. “If you think bad, bad will happen to you.” (Ron Borges)


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