What’s Your Sign?

Friends have been asking…and now by popular demand here it is…What’s my sign?


The sign of the Archer rules the House of Philosophy, something which speaks volumes about these inquisitive, knowledge-seeking souls. Sagittarius are truth seekers, focused intensely on learning about their lover and exploring them more deeply.

Oh to be an adventurous Sagittarius! Do you know how many people out there wish that they had your zest for life? Of course, you don’t blame them one iota. You’ve spent a lot of your life wondering why more people aren’t like you. And well you might.

You have a noble attitude mixed through with the sort of devil may care spring in your step which makes people look to you in awe.

Ruled by Jupiter, you have a very broad outlook and the ability to step back and see the bigger picture while all about you people are getting all twisted up in the finer, minor details. And though you’re fun loving, you are also in touch with the profound side of life. Get you on the right day, at the right time, and you can be as philosophical as the best of them.

You take great joy in achievements, and although you may scatter your energies in too many directions at once, you are gifted in working things through to the end…If you feel like it. You are a Fire sign and as such, the life and soul of any party or social situation you walk into.

You are intuitive with a rich fantasy life, have high goals and you strive, strive and strive again, rarely letting small failures get you down.

You are also enthusiastic and your enthusiasm is catching – though you are not necessarily the world’s greatest micro manager you are certainly switched on when it comes to the big picture visions. You prefer to delegate responsibilities but you often find yourself at the head of the pack anyway, in your role of urging and inspiring others onwards.

You are also a freedom-lover and woe betide any mere mortal who comes along and tries to clip your wings. Sometime you veer towards over-ebullience, talking t he legs off tables and even coming across as arrogant or preachy. But it’s not that you are really like that. You just forget to stop, every now and then. You are a spiritual seeker who loves a good time in between time spent educating yourself about the worldview and the spiritual.

You are a liberal thinker and at your best when you don’t force your views on others. While you will usually say what you say you’ll do, you’re not the best at staying interested in something for too long. You love novelty and this makes you a great pal who’s always up to something, but don’t forget that just because something isn’t new, that doesn’t make it boring!

Your plans are grand and you fight for right and justice at the drop of a hat.
Sagittarians are cool.

What’s your sign? Check it out on Yahoo: http://au.astrology.yahoo.com/profile/sagittarius.html

Daisy Says: mmm… Feels great to be me!

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