Who Ever Heard of a House without Things!


The Cat in the Hat,

some things are just incredibly timeless. His works are amusing and informative in its raw simplicity; Dr. Seuss (born Theodor Suess Geisel was never really a doctor… it was more of a famiy joke) has touched the lives of many children and creeped himself into our homes, schools and libraries.

Dr. Seuss began to develop his career by writing and illustrating humorous articles and cartoons which were published by various magazines.

The Cat in the Hat was written in 1957 in response to a report on literacy standards of school children and identified that the low levels of literacy were primarily a direct result of children books being boring.

Moved by the article, Geisel’s publisher created a list of 400 words which he forwarded to Geisel with the challenge to reduce the list to 250 and then create a work that would retain the interest of the reader; there was born his masterpiece: The Cat in the Hat, in where he used only 223 of the words packed with simple imagination that transcends time.

(dr. seuss cat in the hat)

(rememberThing 1 and Thing 2!)

Believe it or not this poem was to become his first book but was repeatedly rejected by publishers, Dr. Seuss proves again, that when we passionately believe and pursue our dreams not only do we become fulfilled but also others enjoy and benefit from that wonderful energy.

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Daisy Says: Today we quote Dr. Seuss: “Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.”

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