A Clear Mind

clear mind

Ever have a thousand things running through your mind…and getting nothing done?

Think about this: At any one time you are doing one thing anyway! Why not focus on that one task, find ways to become one with that moment.

Too many people have a circus going on in their heads… when they are at work they worry about things that they need to do when they get home. When they are home they are worried about what they have to do the next day at work. It’s a miracle anything really gets done?

This may come across as silly, but when I’m cooking I love to be in that moment. The way I prepare the food and set the table, I want to take care in how I do that for my family, I want to infuse my cooking time with love and care – the smiles at the dinner table usually means I’ve done a well job.

When I am too engrossed in my work, I usually give the heads up and let my family know that it will be each ‘man’ to his own, (that’s literal!) – because I know that if I’m thinking about work issues my heart and mind will not produce the quality meal that I am used to giving my loved ones. Heck! even if it’s ‘shepherds pie’ you just can’t slap that thing together. I think we all know when someone’s poured their heart and soul into something.

Are people just going through the motions? Can we truly impact what we do when our mind and essence have moved on? Crazy as it sounds… I would call it time traveling.

I believe it is important to practice clearing the mind; there are many techniques out there and you can find the one that is best for you… some people can create a clear calm mind and are natural at it while others need some form of mentoring whether through books or group exercises.

What really matters is that you get it going and begin to enjoy the rewards of a clear mind. I do, it feels like a mini vacation.

What I like to do is observe the passing thoughts in my mind..and just like cleaning out my closet, I start moving things out. If you like, try it… you will begin to sense a quiet calming and a great positive energy will begin to move into you.

Your mind will be refreshed and you will feel so powerfully in the moment, yet keenly aware of your future as it’s being created in the now, as opposed to living in the uncertain future and breathing in the now.

Daisy Says: Believe that your thoughts create your reality…and believe that the moment you are in was created by you. Enjoy it.

One thought on “A Clear Mind

  1. “Mindfulness is the quality of fullness of attention, immediacy, non-distraction. In that sense, it is the key to life.” (Sharon Salzberg)

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