Being Human

Ever contemplate what does it mean to be human?

Could it simply mean that we have the ability to analyze our emotions? Perhaps that’s where our conflict starts, not being in tune with our emotions. Not knowing where our feelings come from or what triggers them. I look at other creatures on this earth and they just seem to be in “BE” mode. They just are.

Do we need to understand the ‘being part’ of what it means to “BE” humans to understand our incredible potential?

The more and more I contemplate this, I really believe the key to being human IS so that we can understand our connection to the creative force. So as we go through life exposing ourselves to many experiences we’re walking each other home, some of us make some stops and take some detours along the way. It is all part of the experience and the journey.

Some things resonate within us and some things don’t… it does not make us or the other right or wrong… it simply just is.

What ever it is that we need to learn and grow will always present itself to us, for in growing we are no different than a tree – yet the tree teaches us ACCEPTANCE. The tree accepts its journey right where it is planted.

It takes in the sun, the wind, the sand, the rain, the moon, the storms and the rainbows – it shares its shade and limbs. It progresses through the days and nights until it is reclaimed once more –

transformed for it now knows how to be: Tree.spirit-earth

Our teachers sometimes are not humans… nature the greatest silent teacher and we fail epic as students.

What great lesson it is… to be in the moment, to progress through the days and nights until being reclaimed once more –

totally transformed for I now know how to be: Human.