Candle Scraps and Rainy Days

I was headed out to the garden but the sun whispered through the overcast clouds…”go back in”.

I was looking through a cabinet for something and came across ‘the dreaded big blue bin’ of candle scraps. Oh the moment I dreaded had finally arrived – recycling the old candle wax.

1 old candle wax scraps 2 tools

After a delightful cup of coffee… what a wonderful way to spend a cloudy, rainy Saturday – smooth jazz in the background sets the tone for this project.

I laid all the pieces on the floor – separated by color. Dug up some spent paper roll scraps, gathered my tools for the project along with some glass jars… and set myself to the task.

3 double boiler for candle wax 4 jars and chopsticks

The last time I recycled my candle wax was 13 years ago. Once I get started on a project of this magnitude and potential mess… I know I must commit to seeing it through, because it may not come again for another decade.

5 recycle toilet paper roll 6 new recycled candles

By the time I poured my last candle… the afternoon had rolled in and the cup of coffee had turned to a glass of wine. Now the only task is to decide which one to light first.