Love – Harmony – Peace

I meditate on the weirdest things. I wonder who’s next… because looking at the state of the world there seems to be a lot of hate, judgement and fear.

“Did you ever notice how we always kill the people who told us to live in harmony and try to love one another? Jesus, Gandhi, Lincoln, JFK, Bobby Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, John Lennon…they all said: try to live together peacefully. BANG! Right in the f#*& head. Apparently we’re not ready for that.” -George Carlin

lhpWonder if we the ‘not famous ones’ could collectively come together through our own independent actions aligned with the energy of Love, preach the Love, talked only from Love, live the Love… could we in this lifetime out-number those in favor of fear, oppression, judgement and hate?

You want to become an outsider real quick? Just try talking about Love, Harmony, and Peace outside of a religious or scientific community and immediately watch how people put a label on you. They don’t know what to do with you.

As for me… I’ve noticed that when you try to find your way towards what seems to be Truth in the realm of Love, Harmony and Peace you quickly realize the road is muddled with people who fear the unknown and hate the inevitable change.

On the outside it seems like a lonely road and the only solace for the ‘not famous ones’ is to continue the work of Love, Harmony and Peace trusting that there is a collective army working with them.

ps. George Carlin is on my list of beautiful souls.