Finish Strong

Yes it’s here, practically the middle of the last month of the year.

Whooph! Same time last year we sat down and looked at our journey, we asked the same questions… Did I accomplish all I thought I could this year? Did I keep that diet? Lose those extra pounds? Kicked that smoking habit? Embarked on a new career? Started my own business? Moved to a new place?

Hey. If you didn’t get it all it’s okay. It’s all about the journey. The planning. The executing. The becoming.

Don’t beat yourself up for not achieving it all. Learn from the journey. Where could you have made some changes? Pushed a little harder? Where could you have improved? Dedicated more time for yourself or your family?

Does the journey make the person? or Does the person make the journey?

Well. You have another chance. You have another opportunity to use the marker of the New Year to start embarking on your journey and tracking your progress.

Here is a motivational link to start you on the right track: FINISH STRONG

Daisy Says: It’s not how fast you get to the finish line that matters, its how Strong you finish.

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