Rehearse for Success

For the most part, people want to succeed whether it be in love, career, or life.

The best way to learn about oneself is through relationships and life experiences. Just put yourself out there and do it; yet that may be the challenge for most of us.

What if you could be like an actor and had the opportunity to rehearse your part?

Did you know it could be that easy?

Yes, you can do that! You can be the actor of your life! You can play that success video over and over in your mind.

Think of yourself as an actor. You are the protagonist of your play, you know what mannerism you want your actor to exhibit, what they should look like etc., and what ending you want for your story. You can place an expectation of a victorious ending to what you do every day.

So from this moment on, every day is ‘Show Time’: Lights, Camera, Action!

Then like actors we must do the number one thing that actors and presenters do to ensure a successful show: REHEARSE!

Just play a movie in your mind of the most perfect outcome you want for your circumstance; imagine: what you’re going to do, say, how you’re going to say it etc. That’s how you need to start every day, with a rehearsal.

1. Know your objective for your day.

2. Set out an action plan of activities that will help you get to your goals today.

3. Be accountable for your goals and your action plan and don’t let anything take you off course.

Begin your every day by reviewing your action plan and goals. Your daily action plan should move you towards your goals.

Planning your day, rehearsing your success video will allow you to design your life, most people don’t plan their days, and they become easily distracted from achieving their goals.

* * Here’s an Example * *

If your intention is to help people, then one of your goals is to find a way to reach one person; your strategy and goal needs to be tailored to that objective. Play that movie in your head.

You must have a clearly defined action plan in your mind that will help you to achieve that means. If you are in business then you need to review a marketing plan. If you are in a career you may need to review your company’s mission statement so that you can better define your role within that infrastructure. If you want to be with a compatible mate then picture yourself doing the things you like with them.

Without a clear plan there’s a good chance that at the end of your day you’ll end up sitting in front of the T.V. watching the 7 o’clock news, the the 10’oclock news etc etc… no closer to your objective, and most likely beating yourself up for it but not internally admitting to yourself that is was because of your ‘non-doing’.

And at the end of the day you wind up no closer to your goal.

By simply rehearsing your daily action plan in the morning you can avoid this and
make small gains every day.

Try this for the next 30 days and you will not only feel better about you, and your journey but you will have achieved ‘measurable’ success towards reaching your goals.

Without a plan, you’ll SABOTAGE YOURSELF AND YOUR FAMILY and achieved nothing.

Make your morning rehearsal – a habit – and you will instantly become more effective and productive in all areas of your life.

Daisy Says: It’s Your show!

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