Public Art

Can you imagine a world without art?

For me… nature is living art. Constantly transforming and inspiring.
This post is about discovering art in unexpected places; and… the artist ability to take us into their world.

I had business to conduct at Volusia County courthouse – I was almost consumed by the affair of my business, when I decided to take a breath and be present.

Being present is really about showing up in full awareness of the moment… the NOW.

I looked up and I saw these lovely oil paintings, by Jeff Whipple, part of a collection called
Volusia County Art in Public Places.

What drew my attention was that these four paintings truly captured life in Volusia County, Florida.

For a few minutes I was not in a court house, I was sky-diving and feeling the exhilarating sensation of cold air on my face. Then I was feeling the rush of adrenaline as my minds ears could hear the roaring engines at the Daytona Speedway.

and… getting lost in the silence of canoeing through the many creeks and waterways; or the smell of ocean and laughter of children splashing in the waves. Indeed… the artist achieved his magic, what could have been a mundane gray moment turned into remembering the magic of Life.