The Boomerang Effect

I was pondering about boomerangs and how they tend to come back to point of origin… and comparing it to thoughts and the lag in between thoughts and manifestation.

The boomerang can be compared to the thought – good or bad. Each require action… the act of intent.
Just like the boomerang, alone it wont go anywhere, yet when placed in the hand and thrown – the action is sealed.

– much like thoughts. Which leads me to believe that being aware of our thoughts and formulating healthy thoughts is real important. I believe that if we become aware of our thoughts and truly analyze the thought pattern – if it is not in alignment with our highest best self…there is a point in which we can dissolve and undo a thought. But all of that requires awareness.

Also… I was thinking about how sometimes in my life there seems to be a “lag”. Like, nothing is happening.
Why? I concluded that, just like the boomerang… when you throw an object it flies through the air through some force of nature’s law having to do with gravity and velocity… at some point the object slows down, and depending on its design will either begin to drop down to earth – or as in the design of the boomerang it returns in its decent. I believe that there is a point where all the energy of the thought moving forward is expended and it maintains enough energy to return to its source. Good or bad, depending on the original seed thought.

Then, after this lag comes a bombardment of things that happen. That is the boomerang coming back – what we put out we get back.

yes, if we are to ponder… let’s make it good healthy thoughts.