Little Daisy

little_daisy Here is a blast from my past. The little girl in me… helps me remember Magic does exist on this earth!. The first five years of my life… were totally amazing! The only memory I have is of both sets of grandparents and my aunt Eri “manita” (we called each other little sister)…. this time with my grandparents was the BEST gift my mom and dad have EVER given me… and for that, I will always be grateful. What I remember most fondly of my days with my grandparents:
  • Chasing the chickens by the back of the kitchen
  • Tugging at my grandma’s long skirt at the Sunday Mass (and playing hide and seek under it too!)
  • Riding horse back with grandpa’s from the stables
  • Walking under the canopy of trees on the dirt path to great aunt Bilila’s house
  • Eating ‘bon-bons’ ~ (hard sugar candy)
  • The smell of tobacco leaves drying in the barn
  • Feeling safe at night with my aunt Eri by my side
What are your most fondest childhood memories? ps: There wasn’t a day growing up that an adult would not hear my name and sing to me the classic:

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