The March 2021 Garden

It’s a shame that I’ve been so busy with the duties of being a Mayor for the City of Lake Helen that I only planted Kale and Sunflowers … and yet my garden has been so kind to me.

This lovely Magnolia that I planted last year has been very happy in the spot that we picked for it, this year it burst with blooms and the scent is Divine.

What about this marigold bed! Last year I had seeded this bed and it was its first year bloom, what you see pictured here are volunteers! One thing I did last year that encouraged this bed to be so full is, I would dead head the marigolds and scatter the seeds underneath. I hope that next year it will be as splendid… will wait with eager anticipation.

The Mustard Green just like the Marigold volunteered itself in that spot and so, I figured that it would like some company and I seeded the Kale next to it. I love to let the Mustard Green go to seed and enjoy the yellow flowers in the garden.

In bloom or out of bloom the walking Iris does not disappoint, the flowers on the long stem look like butterflies or dragonflies hovering in the garden. I simply love the whimsical aspect of the plant.

The flower of one of my succulents that I have in a pot was another spectacular event for me, I had no idea the bloom would be so dainty and rich red velvet color… I love these surprises. Additionally, I had to share a picture of the orange blossoms… the trees were snow white covered in orange blossoms. Having several citrus trees in the garden I’ve learned that they will cover in blossoms… not all will make it to fruit, the winds and April showers will bring many of them down. The smell of orange blossom in the air is truly a gift from the heavens.

It’s only been in the past few years that I’ve developed a fascination with seeing Mammoth Sunflowers in my garden… so I try to plant a few here and there. I love seeing them and pretend they are like sentinels keeping watch over the garden.
When I touch the Earth and plant seeds… I feel the blessing that we call life.