February 2021 Kitties update

Our cats have turned out to be one of the best parts of waking up. Each one has their unique personality and way of communicating with us.

Dottie is so sweet, she loves sleeping all day long.

Meesho on the other hand loves spending the day outside chilling by the back patio or under one of the banana trees. He usually follows me around from spot to spot as I garden. On occasion he will come inside and enjoy the warmth and noise of the house.

And then there is Liberty, when I see Dottie and Liberty together I usually call them the Twins, because, well… they are brother and sister. One thing about Liberty, he’s not too far when it comes to food.

I have no idea what the Twins are up to staring at the floor that way… perhaps a lizard crawled under the towel? That could go on all day.

Here we have Mittens – he is so goofy and cute, for some unknown reason he felt he needed to supervise while Miss Helen ate her meal… from different angles none the less.